
As individuals we are becoming increasingly aware of our ongoing ethical and ecological obligation to our planet. Now that we understand more about global warming, about the daily loss of species of flora and fauna and the irreparable damage that has already been done to this incredible world of ours, we are working harder collectively to stop the harm and reverse the negative trend that has wounded our earth.

To celebrate and encourage this ongoing global advancement, Homes Overseas Magazine was proud to include the category of ‘Best Sustainable Development’ in its award series last year, and this category was always going to be a very tough one to win. Of all the categories in the award series, ‘Best Sustainable Development’ required that extensive proof be given for not just the short-term sustainability of a development’s model, but the ongoing and long-term plans that the developers had for the delivery of a flawless sustainability model.

The out and out winner of the category in 2007 was Limpopo-Lipadi Game and Wilderness Reserve in Botswana; and the judges of the ‘Best Sustainable Development’ category were certainly convinced by Limpopo-Lipadi’s commitment to the delivery of its establishing principles of preservation, enhancement and setting the global benchmark for unique sustainable developments.

The stunning Limpopo-Lipadi Game and Wilderness Reserve was the rightful winner; it has at its very core a code of conduct for the directors, the staff and the investors which is the embodiment of sustainability, and this is reflected in the logo the company has chosen which depicts the preservation of the circle of life in Africa – which is the ultimate vision and goal of everyone involved in this unique and fascinating project.

Limpopo-Lipadi has a series of core sustainability principles, cornerstones and guiding ethics that fascinate all those who learn about the development and which ensure that the development of the game and wilderness reserve remains absolutely on track over time and that the circle of life is not compromised. 

For example, for the investors there are philosophies and practical guidelines in place to ensure that an investment is not just merely of passive benefit to Botswana and the native people who work within the reserve. Rather investors at Limpopo-Lipadi are encouraged to be passionate about the reserve, the wildlife and the environment. They can receive training to become rangers, they are given the freedom to create their own bush experience and they are encouraged to be fully involved in the reserve’s activities and in important decision making processes – so much so that Limpopo-Lipadi becomes not just a valuable investment asset but a second home for every single investor.

In terms of the management of the reserve, there is the ecological and environmental focus which ensures that Limpopo-Lipadi’s carbon, water and waste footprints are minimised, that micro ecosystem management is effective and that rather than having any form of negative effect on the surrounding environment, the reserve supports nature and wildlife and enhances and protects the Botswanan landscape. 

The personnel and humanitarian focus ensures that staff are taught and supported, that ultimately the reserve will be entirely staffed by local citizens and that the surrounding Motswanan community is supported with the infrastructure it needs as determined in direct consultation with elected representatives of the people.

Alan Marneweck, Director of Limpopo-Lipadi perfectly sums up how the reserve represents the circle of life on every level: “There is sustainability in the financial model of the reserve, there is sustainability in the ongoing promotion of the history and culture of Motswana, Botswana and Africa, there is sustainability in the way Limpopo-Lipadi strives continuously to be the best company to work for and ultimately there is sustainability in every aspect of the social responsibility, environmental preservation and investment enhancement elements of the game and wilderness reserve’s founding and guiding principles.”

If you are personally driven to ensure that our planet is protected and that every living element on earth is preserved, you will find that the Limpopo-Lipadi development in Botswana embodies your principles. You will also find that it was the concept of likeminded visionaries and that by investing in the development you can not only make a practical and very real difference to the world by putting your money to good use in Africa, but that you will benefit so much more by being able to become actively involved in the development and even the running of the reserve.

There are different levels of investment involvement that you can commit to – from a purely financial point of view, entry level investment is EUR 135,000, but in terms of the difference that you can practically make and the benefits that you can personally witness and enjoy, they are limitless.

For more information please contact 00 27 82 333 1905 or visit