Is money the root of all happiness? Lack of funds is biggest worry for 55-65 year old Brits

According to Aviva’s latest Real Retirement Report (Autumn 2013), having enough money to live comfortably emerges as the single most important factor for over a quarter of Britons aged 55-65 years old (27%) – more so than sharing retirement with a partner (17%), a happy family life (12%) or devoting more time to hobbies and interests (3%).

•27% of 55-65 year old Brits worry about having enough to live comfortably (Aviva RRR 2013)
•Over half of 55’s see freedom from stress as most important benefit of financial stability in later life 
Indeed, the importance of being able to afford to live comfortably in retirement seems to transcend age, gender and income differences as it is the second most pressing priority after good health for both sexes and all three age groups over 55 consulted in the Aviva Report – regardless of their actual income.
Interestingly, a higher proportion of the younger demographic prioritise finances than any other age group – suggesting the recession and savings squeeze has increased the importance of money for those currently approaching retirement.
Danny Silver, Managing Founder of The Villages Group – Rainbow, Europe’s first gay friendly active retirement village nestled in the heart of South West France comments,

“The rising cost of living on a limited pension income is pressurising many baby boomers to consider how they can reduce their outgoings.

“Downsizing and releasing equity in order to fund retirement presents an obvious choice for many as bricks and mortar are often an individual’s largest and most secure financial asset. This is especially true for those who have remained in the same home for a good number of years during which the property market has boomed, resulting in the accumulation of a large amount of equity.”

But what and where to downsize to?

Mr Silver continues,
“Traditionally retirees have remained in the local area, near to friends and family but now with advances in communications technology and indeed transportation, more and more are looking to move abroad. Relocating in retirement can be a rejuvenating and life-affirming experience, especially when you can save money, meet new people and visit new places!

“This is where living at The Villages Group – Rainbow would benefit any retirees looking for a way to enjoy their golden years without money worries. For just £40 a week per person including all management fees, property tax, maintenance charges and on-activities you can live in the heart of the Languedoc-Roussillon region of South West France, where village life is tranquil and a great day out can be had in the seemingly endless countryside with many a fete, art exhibition or concert in the summer months which will cost you absolutely nothing!”

So what are you waiting for? Contact The Villages Group – Rainbow today to discuss how this unique community can provide the answer to finding the perfect property for your retirement.

For more information please contact The Villages Group on + 33 1 4007 8625, email