Lady of Kent Emily McGowan takes 12,500 ft leap of faith in memory of Grandmother Irene

Brave Emily McGowan took a leap of faith on Sunday 7th July by sky diving over her home country of Kent in order to raise money and awareness for Sue Ryder Care.


Emily, a highly respected member of the house building team at Millgate who donated generously towards her heroic jump, sadly lost her beloved Grandmother, Irene Russell, to cancer. The kindness and care that Irene was given in her last few weeks by Sue Ryder Care inspired Emily to give something back.  She said:


“It was the support of Sue Ryder Care that ensured my Grandmother’s last days were happy and comfortable and I wanted to show them my appreciation for their dedicated work so on Sunday 7th July I faced my fears and took part in a charity tandem skydive at Headcorn Skydive Centre in Maidstone.
“I was really lucky that the weather was warm and the sky so incredibly clear that the views from 12,500 feet up were absolutely spectacular. It was a once in a lifetime experience and I loved every moment of it.  I wasn’t even nervous when I was sat perched on the edge of the plane, ready to freefall! I was in the air for about 20 minutes after freefalling for what felt like eternity but was actually only 45 seconds however I was happy when the ground came closer and I landed on my feet albeit with a little wobble!”
Emily has so far raised £655 with a generous donation made from Millgate.
If you would like to support Emily and Sue Ryder Care a donation can be made at
For more details call Emily McGowan at Millgate on 01189 343 344.